Natural Recovery

Through the longitudinal study conducted to establish Responsiveness and MCID the natural recovery was documented. It was possible to record subtle sensory, motor and hand function as it behaved from 10 days post injury out to one year. Some of the findings in this recovery data were novel in comparison to the historical data presented to date. It was noted that hand function and hand muscles continue to show improvement well after the 6 months post injury.

Outcome of the upper limb in cervical spinal cord injury: Profiles of recovery and insights for clinical studies, this paper presents the recovery profiles analyzed in the longitudinal study. Figures 1 and 2 define recovery profiles according to GRASSP subtests and in comparison to other SCI measures.

  • Kalsi-Ryan S, Beaton D, Curt A, Popovic MR, Verrier MC, Fehlings MG. Outcome of the upper limb in cervical spinal cord injury: Profiles of recovery and insights for clinical studies. J Spinal Cord Med. 2014 Sep;37(5):503-10.
  • Velstra IM, Curt A, Frotzier A, Abel R, Kalsi-Ryan S, Rietman JS. Changes in Strength Sensibility and Prehension in Acute Cervical Spinal Cord Injury: European Multicenter Responsiveness Study of the GRASSP. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 15 Jan 2015.
  • 3.Kalsi-Ryan S, Beaton D, Ahn H, Askes H, Drew B, Curt A, Popovic M, Wang J, Verrier M, Fehlings M. Responsiveness, Sensitivity and Minimally Detectable Difference of the Graded and Redefined Assessment of Strength, Sensibility, and Prehension, Version 1.0 (GRASSP V1). J Neurotrauma. 2015 Nov 11.
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